Free Okra Seeds
/Thanks to All Who Have Requested 2019 Winnetka Wonder Okra Seeds. The Response has been INCREDIBLE. Sadly I have more requests than I have seeds at this point. I will not be able to send out any more seeds this year. I apologize for the inconvenience. HAPPY GARDENING IN 2020 AND BEYOND….. kirk.
Please Help Me Save This Okra
Winnetka Wonder okra blossom
A few years ago I bought 17 seeds no one wanted. The seeds were from a short stalk okra variety that grows only 4 feet high. Since before the civil war a noted Natchez family had been planting this okra, then handing the seeds down from generation to generation. A few seeds ended up with a Texas gardener who eventually gave some to the Seed—Saver Exchange (SSE) in Decorah, Iowa. SSE designated the seeds “Okra 56”. The SSE person told me no one wanted the seeds because the germination rate was “very poor and its only okra”.
Fair enough. But holding them in my hand, my new okra seeds seemed like 17 little time machines. Coax some to grow and I could taste exactly the taste people in Natchez were tasting over 150 years ago.
Winnetka wonder okra pickles
Things progressed. The first year I planted all 17 seeds. Eight sprouted. Six plants lived. The pods were a beautiful light green - like the inside of a lime. From those six plants, the yield was nothing short of overwhelming. Each year I saved seeds and perfected a technique for germination. “Okra 56” seemed too dystopian for my gumbo, so I named the variety “Winnetka Wonder” after my beloved Dallas neighborhood, Winnetka Heights. As far as I know, this okra is not commercially available.
Winnetka wonder okra seed packet
I set out to save this historic okra variety. Several years ago I launched the Okra Rescue Project, and began giving away Winnetka Wonder Okra seeds. Here’s the deal.
I will send you 17-25 Winnetka Wonder Okra seed, details for getting good germination (you’ll need a large toenail clipper), and instructions for saving seeds. There is absolutely, positively no charge to you HOWEVER THERE IS A CATCH. If I send you free seeds, and you grow Winnetka Wonder Okra, you must promise to save the seeds and pass them along to other gardeners. Don’t worry. There’s nothing to sign. No confirmatory email to send. Just promise. I’ll take your word for it.
Okra Rescue is about 5 years old. Here is an article about Winnetka Wonder from Organic Gardening Magazine. I have sent seeds to gardeners all over the United States. Be advised. Some gardeners tell me Winnetka Wonder Okra is easily grown. Others complain germination is spotty. I think (but can’t prove) success is related to climate. Okra likes very hot weather and a long growing season.
If you agree to THE CATCH and would like some Winnetka Wonder Okra seeds, just email me your address. These seeds you get will be saved from my current North Texas garden. I’ll keep mailing seeds out until they are gone.
As I said, there is absolutely no charge. Some gardeners have sent me seeds
saved from their garden. These “swaps” are much appreciated, but not required.
One more thing - I never share you information. Not no how. Not no way. So don’t worry.
That’s about the size of it. I hope you will help me Save This Okra.
Happy Gardening.